jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Predoctoral Research Assistant for the Growth Factors, Nutrients and Cancer Group

The Growth Factors, Nutrients and Cancer Group, within the Cancer Cell Biology Programme at CNIO, is seeking a Predoctoral Research Assistant.

Se Requiere

- Master in Biomedicine, Biochemistry and any related field.
- Previous experience with mouse models will be highly valued.
- Substantial experience working in a lab.
- Technical skills:
Mouse genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Histopathology and Histochemistry.
- English is compulsory.
- Applications must include a detailed CV in English.
- Be registered in the "Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil".

Se Ofrece

- The opportunity to be part of one of the few European Cancer Research Centres of excellence.
- An excellent working, multidisciplinary environment.
- Competitive salary.
- Contract linked to the "Ayudas para la contratación de investigadores predoctorales e investigadores posdoctorales cofinanciadas por Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil y la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (YEI)".

via CNIO. Empleo Más Información Aquí...